Volunteer News
School Volunteer Opportunities
Parents and guardians, click here for volunteer opportunities at St Peter Catholic School
Volunteer for the Gala NOW!
Parents and guardians, click here for volunteer opportunities at St Peter Catholic School
Volunteer for the Gala NOW!
St. Peter Education Resource Volunteer Program (SERV)
A new volunteer program, SERV, was implemented in the 2023-2024 school year. SERV is a way for the leads of each event committee to periodically come together and share information and techniques. The meetings will be held every other month starting in September and allows parents to receive the information firsthand. By creating SERV, we are elaborating on what was formerly the Home & School Association and reintroducing general meetings for parents to be more present in the activities and events at St. Peter.
SERV is based on the 6-step process outlined by St. Teresa of Calcutta.
The fruit of silence is prayer.
The fruit of prayer is faith.
The fruit of faith is love.
The fruit of love is service.
The fruit of service is peace.
SERV is based on the 6-step process outlined by St. Teresa of Calcutta.
The fruit of silence is prayer.
The fruit of prayer is faith.
The fruit of faith is love.
The fruit of love is service.
The fruit of service is peace.
School Volunteers
Parent volunteers are needed in a variety of ways: Social events, classroom help, coaching sports, fundraisers, etc. All K-8 families at SPCS are required to volunteer 30 hours during the school year. Preschool families are required to volunteer 15 hours during the school year. When volunteering with children, the Diocese of Colorado Springs mandates volunteers to complete Safe Environment Training through VIRTUS.
NEW VOLUNTEERS: If you are a new family, please contact Julie Dickinson, Safe Environment Manager for our parish, at [email protected]. Julie will initiate the process for all new volunteers in VIRTUS. EXISTING VOLUNTEERS: All current volunteers should have received an email from VIRTUS on July 1: "2024-2025 Protecting God's Children with Maltreatment 4.1 - Colorado Springs". This is the required training for the school year 2024-2025. Please login to virtus.org to complete your training. Thank you to all who have already done so. If you have questions, please contact [email protected]. Click here for more information and training guidance: www.petertherock.org/safe-environment-training.html |
Raptor Visitor & Volunteer Management System
![]() St. Peter Catholic School uses the Raptor Visitor/Volunteer Management System as part of our campus safety program for students and faculty. A key part of keeping students and faculty safe is knowing who is in our building at all times. School parents are added to the Raptor System once their drivers' licenses are scanned in the school office. Visitors entering the school must also have their drivers' licenses scanned in the Raptor System prior to entry.
Raptor also is used to track your volunteer hours. Logging Volunteer HoursThe first semester Raptor Volunteer Hour Reports were emailed to you during Christmas break. All volunteer hours must be logged by December 20, 2024.
Remember to log hours for donations of food to class parties and the bake sale, for hours you volunteered on the weekends or outside of school hours, the golf tournament, Trunk-or-Treat, Holiday Boutique, sports, etc. Things that do NOT count are potlucks or service projects where items are donated for Harvest of Love, for example. New and Returning Volunteers: To log your volunteer hours at home, login to the volunteer portal and follow the instructions in the link below. Raptor Sign in: Raptor Volunteer Portal Please follow this guide to help you log your hours in Raptor. If this is your first time in the volunteer portal, please follow the exclusive link sent to you from Raptor when your application was completed. Or, you can click "forgot password" to reset and get started |